
Should You Use Security Guard GPS Tracking For The Safety Of Your Guards?

Fri, Apr 22, 2022

Read in 9 minutes

With the use of technology, you can not only enhance your security operations but also protect your security guard with GPS tracking. Know their location to prevent time theft and provide aid easily.

Should You Use Security Guard GPS Tracking For The Safety Of Your Guards?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to keep your guards under constant surveillance every time. Thus, leveraging the competence of modern technology is the only sensible thing to do here. 

GPS tracking is becoming an essential tool in the security industry. It allows companies to monitor the location of their security guards in real-time. Helping to prevent incidents and keep everyone safe. Whether it’s guarding a large property or patrolling high-risk areas, GPS tracking ensures guards are where they need to be and provides immediate alerts if something goes wrong. 

Technologies such as GPS tracking can be highly purposeful for security companies looking for ways to enhance the security of their guards. In addition, this technology can also help you calculate the compensation of guards with precision through access to real-time location information of your guards. That said, here are a couple of reasons you need to consider security guard GPS tracking for the safety of your guards.

  • Real-Time Location Update    

Every business strives to scale and expand its operations. Security companies are no different as this is the ideal way to grow a business. However, you cannot run a security company without ensuring the accountability of your guards and providing your clients with unmatched security. One effective way to ensure accountability is by keeping yourself updated with the real-time location of your guards. 

Using a security guard GPS tracking system for this purpose can be highly advantageous for your business as it helps ensure accountability. Additionally, some guard security systems also come equipped with geofencing functionality. This feature will trigger an automated alert whenever your guards are not at the right place at the right time.

  • Better Safety Of Your Guards

Employees are the most valuable asset for any business, and they are the only significant asset for a security company. Thus, ensuring the safety of your employees is not an issue you can overlook. Being a security guard already comes with many challenges. Yet the biggest challenge is dealing with the chances of unprecedented attacks or even abductions in some instances. 

Nonetheless, when you leverage GPS technology to track your guards all the time, you can ensure they are safe. Moreover, if you get a hint of something wrong or unusual, you can immediately dispatch other guards to measure the situation and take necessary actions. It also depicts you care for your guards, further boosting employee retention. 

  • Defense Against False Claims 

There can often be instances where your client rings you up, claiming your guards are not doing their job appropriately. It can be detrimental to the reputation of your business, further hampering your reliability. However, the data collected from security guard GPS tracking helps resolve this complication with minimal hassle.  

The GPS tracking solution will feed real-time data into the system, and you share the same with your client, provided your guards are on the right side. However, if the guard is at fault, you can then take necessary actions to ensure they do not repeat such behavior in the future. 

  • Real-Time Location Monitoring

One of the biggest advantages of using GPS tracking is real-time monitoring of security guards. With GPS technology, supervisors can see exactly where their guards are at any given moment. This is especially helpful in large properties or during night shifts when visibility is low. By knowing the precise location of guards, supervisors can respond quickly if they notice something unusual.

For example, if a guard moves into an unsafe area or misses a checkpoint, an alert is sent to the supervisor. This allows management to take immediate action, such as sending backup or redirecting the guard to a safer location. Real-time tracking is also helpful in case of an emergency, such as a medical incident or a security breach. Knowing the guard’s location means help can be dispatched immediately. Which could prevent a small problem from becoming a major incident.

Real-time tracking also helps make sure guards are following their designated routes. This not only improves security but also reassures clients that their property is being properly patrolled. When guards know they are being monitored, they are more likely to stay alert and perform their duties effectively, reducing the chances of an incident.

  • Efficient Mobility

Security guards often need to head out for patrolling or even commute from one destination to another. There can be cases where there is an emergency and the guards are not well-versed with the area or location. These are times when GPS technology can be very beneficial for your guards as the software can guide them to the site with minimal complications.  

The solution will provide the precise location and directions to reach there at the earliest. It will benefit your business to a great extent as clients will know your company for hasty response times, further boosting the reliability and goodwill of your business.    

  • Geofencing for Enhanced Safety

Geofencing is another important feature of GPS tracking systems. Geofencing allows supervisors to create virtual boundaries around specific areas. If a security guard enters or leaves these areas, the system will automatically send an alert. This feature ensures that guards stay within their designated zones and do not wander into restricted or unsafe areas.

For example, if a guard is responsible for patrolling a particular section of a factory, a geofence can be set up around that section. If the guard leaves that area without permission, the system will alert the supervisor. Who can then investigate and ensure the guard is safe. This level of control helps prevent incidents caused by guards being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Geofencing also ensures that guards maintain a strong presence in high-risk areas, such as near valuable assets or sensitive equipment. By keeping guards where they are needed most, geofencing helps prevent theft, vandalism, or other security breaches.

  • Data Collection for Incident Prevention

Another powerful feature of GPS tracking systems is their ability to collect data over time. This data provides valuable insights into security operations and can be used to identify potential risks before they become serious problems. For example, if a certain area frequently experiences security breaches, management can adjust patrol schedules or increase the number of guards in that area.

GPS tracking systems store detailed records of each guard’s movements. Including how long they spend at each checkpoint, their exact routes, and whether they missed any scheduled patrols. This data helps supervisors spot patterns and take preventive actions. If an area consistently shows gaps in coverage, management can increase patrols or assign more guards to that location.

Additionally, this data can be used to improve efficiency. For example, if certain routes take longer than expected, supervisors can adjust the patrol routes to make them more efficient. By optimizing routes and schedules, security companies can ensure that their guards are covering all areas without wasting time. Which improves overall security and prevents incidents from happening.

  • Enhancing Guard Accountability

GPS tracking also plays a big role in improving guard accountability. When guards know their movements are being tracked, they are more likely to stay on task and follow their assigned routes. This accountability encourages guards to be more diligent, reducing the chances of them missing checkpoints or neglecting their duties.

By tracking guard movements, management can ensure that all patrols are completed and that no areas are left unattended. If a guard fails to complete their patrol or misses a checkpoint, the system will immediately alert the supervisor. Who can then follow up with the guard to find out why is that? This kind of accountability helps prevent incidents caused by guards not performing their duties properly.

GPS tracking can also be useful in situations where a guard is accused of not being at their post. With GPS records, supervisors can verify exactly where the guard was at any given time, providing clear proof to clients that their property was being monitored.

Addressing Privacy Concerns in GPS Tracking

While GPS tracking has many benefits, some guards may have concerns about their privacy. Being tracked throughout the day can feel intrusive, so it’s important for companies to address these concerns and create a system that balances safety with privacy.

Transparency and Clear Communication

The first step to addressing privacy concerns is being transparent with employees. Security companies should clearly explain why GPS tracking is being used and how it benefits the guards. For example, GPS tracking helps keep guards safe, ensures that they are paid correctly for the time they spend on-site. And allows supervisors to respond quickly in emergencies.

By explaining these benefits, guards are more likely to understand that GPS tracking is not about invading their privacy. But about improving safety and accountability. Security companies should also make sure guards know that GPS tracking only happens during work hours and that their movements are not tracked when they are off duty.

Data Security and Usage

Another key factor in addressing privacy concerns is ensuring that the GPS data is secure. Security companies should take steps to protect this data and ensure that only authorized personnel can access it. For example, strong passwords, encryption, and other security measures can help prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information.

In addition, companies should be clear about how the GPS data is used. It should be explained that the data will only be used to monitor job performance, improve security, and respond to incidents. Guards should feel confident that their personal information will not be misused.

Many countries have laws governing the use of GPS tracking in the workplace, and companies should make sure they are following these laws. In many cases, companies are required to get the guard’s consent before tracking them, and they must explain how the data will be used. By following these regulations and being transparent about data usage, companies can build trust with their employees and ease concerns about privacy.

Wrapping Up

Ensuring the security of your guards is of the utmost importance at all times. Hence, using a GPS-enabled solution to manage your guards will yield significant benefits for your business. Additionally, it would be best to opt for an advanced workforce management solution that offers you much more than security guard GPS tracking. 

GPS tracking is a valuable tool for improving security and preventing incidents. The features not only keep guards safe but also provide valuable insights that can help prevent security breaches before they happen. 

However, it’s important to address any privacy concerns that guards may have. By being transparent, securing data, and following legal guidelines, security companies can use GPS tracking to improve safety without compromising the privacy of their employees. In the end, GPS tracking is a win-win solution. Offering better security for clients and a safer working environment for guards.

If you are looking for such a solution, contact Novagems. We provide the best workforce management solutions to security companies. Our security guard management system comes packed with advanced features like scheduling, GPS tracking, incident reporting, timesheets, checkpoint tours, smart response, and more! Utilize all these features for the best growth of your security company. We will tell you how. Book a demo now and our experts will be there to guide you!

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