
Fully-Remote Cleaning Business: 3 Steps to Manage Everything Hassle-free

Fri, May 27, 2022

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Fully-Remote Cleaning Business: 3 Steps to Manage Everything Hassle-free

Remote cleaning businesses came into existence the same when other businesses were learning how to handle remote work situations. Just as Work from home took over the whole world, the remote cleaning business also got the boost it needed. But how do we make the cleaning business a success?

What Is a Remote Cleaning Business?

A remote cleaning business is basically a remote cleaning method that allows the business owner to run, market, provide cleaning services and scale their business from anywhere in the world. The need for physical presence is not needed as the business owners can hire and appoint local service providers to perform the jobs. 

In a remote cleaning business, customers can request cleaning services through online platforms or by phone. The company then schedules the cleaning job and sends cleaners to the customer’s location at the designated time. The cleaners perform their duties following the instructions provided by the company. 

Once you form a vision you need to make it happen and the process and the pace depends on you entirely. If you plan to run a cleaning business remotely, don’t doubt it! It is not only possible to do so, but your chances of success are also quite bright. No doubt it can be a little chaotic in the beginning. But once everything settles, you can have complete control over your cleaning business from anywhere in the world.

But how does one start a remote cleaning business?

You do not need to play by the handbook while starting your own cleaning business. It’s your business so you build it with your own vision and passion. There are some steps you can follow which will guide you on the right path. These steps will form a structure and give a proper shape to your idea and convert it into a business.

Starting a remote cleaning business is effortless nowadays as you don’t need to worry about the extra cost like renting a space for the office. The benefit of starting a remote business is the initial cost is always reduced. Once you start the cleaning business you need to form a strategy.

  1. Make Some Noise- You need to make people aware of your business. Start networking and connecting with the people you know. This will help you increase the word-of-mouth advertisements and help you grow organically.
  2. Utilize Social Media To The Fullest- If your cleaning business does not have any presence online, then it’s a flop from the beginning. You are going to get many customers online. Social media is a vast market that you can explore and use its features to your advantage.
  3. Specialization - Become so perfect in one area that no one can beat you in that. Choose one area and stick to it. Your success will depend on the quality of services you provide. If the customer likes that service you will be hired again.
  4. Clientele - Find and maintain clients. The happiness of your clients is what will make you grow. If a client gives good feedback, more people will be attracted to work with you. In the digital world, before choosing anything, customers will check the reviews. These reviews will convert potential customers to loyal clients.

The journey might be long and hard, but sheer determination and willpower can move mountains, and running a cleaning business is no less of a task. It takes years to reach the top, but if you follow some simple steps the way to the top will be smooth. So, let us see how you can get there:

Build A Cleaning Company Website 

You can easily build a remote cleaning business from the comfort of your home with some simple steps. The first thing you need is a website where you will market your business. This website shall be professional and clean looking with appropriate call to action. This website will be the first impression your potential clients will have before they decide to choose you. 

Some common elements your remote cleaning business website shall have are -

  • A home page
  • Cleaning services provided page 
  • Call to action buttons
  • A contact form
  • An about us page 

Learn more on how you can set up a cleaning business website.

There are several options available online that will help you in setting up your online cleaning business website easily. Make sure that you research properly and buy the domain name that sets you apart but also aligns with your aims and objectives. 

Compliance And Regulations For Your Remote Cleaning Business

The compliance and regulations part is essential for your cleaning business. You need to get the necessary business license and permits that will surely come handy when you scale your company to a million dollar cleaning business. Always note and keep in mind that these permits and regulations may vary from state to state. It’s always advisable to keep yourself updated with your state’s rules and regulations. 

Some common compliance you need are - 

To start a remote cleaning business these things are very important if you want to avoid any legal actions in future. You can easily search for business insurance for cleaning business to avoid any confusion. Make sure the information you are grasping is correct. Just like compliance and regulations, insurance for cleaning services may vary as well from different states. Some of the common cleaning business insurance you can apply for are general liability insurance and commercial Property Insurance. 

Find A Team And Use Software To Manage It

Cleaning businesses run on one major factor - the quality of services. If your cleaning services are top-notch, you can be ahead in the game and vice versa. So, your first step should be finding a highly competent team. Start interviewing cleaners, janitors, or house helpers, for your cleaning business. You can spread the word about the open positions through staffing agencies or online portals. Based on the location, requirements, and job details, start looking for the right people.

Screening the candidates gets easy with online interviews, meetings, or conference calls. Once you find the most suitable people in all locations, it is time to integrate them into one big team.

Training and Hiring

Before hiring any remote team it is always nice and advisable to run a basic check. This helps you understand the staff better and what value they can add in the company. Online cleaning businesses need to pay special attention to this. Since the team is working remotely the companies need to have a basic knowledge.

For this, you can use software like a cleaning company management system. Such a system or software will help you keep track of all the employees in your teams. You can categorize them based on their locations, expertise, clients they work for, or the type of work they do. Such systems are easy to use as your team members can install them on their phones. They can

  • clock in and out
  • send messages
  • ask questions
  • and receive checklists and instructions within the system

All these tasks are just a tap away. They can also communicate with the managers if they are running late or facing some issues at the client site. It gets easy for the managers to communicate with the remote teams, address their problems, and record their daily activities. An employee management system is everything you need for your cleaning business! It ensures smooth workflow, maintenance of records, better communication, and effortless teamwork.

It improves the quality of your services and helps the clients learn that you are a tech-driven and competent service provider. These types of software are very easy to get, all you need to do is do some basic research. You can mold these types of software according to your own needs and utilize them to their maximum potential.

Such software came into existence when remote work became normal. These kinds of software help a lot in maintaining a cleaning business and employees. You can easily track their activities. This will make your clients thrilled when they see you managing your employees so well. But what if your clients are still left unsatisfied? And dealing with unhappy clients can be a hassle.

Plan And Launch A Strategic Digital Marketing Campaign

The other name of remote work is online integration. While your team of cleaners cannot deliver cleaning services online, you can tell people about your business through the digital world. This digital marketing will keep you on top of the game and help you compete with competitors.

Plan And Launch A Strategic Digital Marketing Campaign

First off, build an efficient and fully-functioning website for your business. You can also use digital tools like

  • Google MyBusiness, 
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO), 
  • Social Media Ads, 
  • PC campaigns, and 
  • local online business directories. 

After you have used these tools to optimize your site, you need to register it. This step will authenticate your site to the audiences. All these tools will help your business reach more and more users online without convincing everyone personally. Your digital presence will help you reach a vast number of people while spending less money.

Using websites and digital media for cleaning companies is a great technique to promote your cleaning business. In the cleaning business, you can reach more potential employees as well. This way you can expand your company and provide more services when you have efficient and reliable employees.

Have A Specialization - And Excel In It

If you go around claiming that you do all kinds of cleaning, you will miss out on the benefits of having a USP. You can find your niche or specialization in sectors like

  • commercial cleaning, 
  • residential cleaning, 
  • janitor services, 
  • maid services, etc.

Once you have that, all your marketing efforts should revolve around the same. Tell your clients that you specialize in a certain form of cleaning and use the same for your marketing techniques.

Your specialization attracts the audience and prospects your business needs and matches you with suitable clients. It is an effective way of sealing profitable deals and keeping the quality of your services high. When you focus on one type of service only, you will get the leads, no matter in which location you pitch. It also keeps your services uniform throughout the areas where you deliver them, making it easier for you to control the activities remotely.

Make that particular specialization your trademark and sell it to the customers. It will take a lot of effort to move you from the top. And if your plans are as solid as your specialized service, more doors will open for you to grow. 

With these three tips, you can manage a fully remote cleaning business while being anywhere in the world. With the perfect tools, strategies, and plans, you can control and manage your cleaning business from anywhere in the world. To get software that helps you integrate your teams, workflow, and communication, contact Novagems. Our cleaning management software will help you pass all the hurdles you face while managing your cleaning business and help you be the best in the market.

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