
5 Free Security Guard Contract Samples & How to Create a Security Contract – Novagems

Tue, May 11, 2021

Read in 7 minutes

Most people are not aware of the fact that security guards provide security for a specific location instead of standing anywhere on a premise. It might sound tempting when big clients approach you for a contract, but before you celebrate or agree to anything, do proper research and contact your legal advisor to get a clear understanding of the contract. Whether you want to draft a security services contract for the junior staff or the senior security agent, choosing the right contract is incredibly important. And it couldn’t be wrong to say that designing your own contract could be potentially daunting as you might end up making mistakes. That’s the reason; you must consider using personalized security templates to draft an effective sales contract template.

5 Free Security Guard Contract Samples & How to Create a Security Contract – Novagems

Some terms you need to be familiar with before we dive into the real topic

Security contract is not an easy feat to deal with. A security guard contact is even more tricky because you deal with the security of your employee and the agreements of the clients. Security services contract will ensure you as an employer and give you peace of mind. 

Indemnifications- they are very tricky to deal with as it puts you at risk of all the damages caused. In the indemnification clause, one party will agree to protect the other party from the damages. Many even try to avoid this clause in the security guard contract. If you are signing one, make sure that you sign the contract with limited indemnification

Waiver Of Subrogation- It means that the person insured can take legal action against the other party. For example, if a security guard is injured during his or her duty he can choose to sue the client. But using the waiver of subrogation, the client can shift the blame to you. 

Key Points To Be Included In Your Security Services Contract

  • Effective Date

Your security company should clearly describe when they will start providing the services. The contract shall also include when the agreement will become effective to avoid any confusion. 

  • Term

The contract shall always contain the term till when the contract will be effective. The contract shall include the start date and the end date in the agreement. An additional clause may be added if any of the parties wish to terminate the contract before the term is completed.

  • Services Provided

Make no mistakes when you are mentioning the services you will be providing to clients. Do not be vague in the services you provide. It should include a list of all the services provided by the company like the number of guards and their shift timings and all areas they will cover.

  • Termination

There should be a clause added in the contract where the terms and conditions for termination of a contract are mentioned. There should be reasons mentioned in the contract like-

  • If the term has ended and no renewal was done
  • Insolvency of any of the parties involved
  • The services were not up to the mark
  • The license of the service provider was revoked.

Let’s discuss the types of security guard contracts you must consider as per your needs.

1. Security Guard Service Contract

This is one of the popular forms of contracts that is being adopted by companies of all sizes. Security agencies offer security guard services that can assign them to different individuals or clients. When it comes to getting the right security guard services, the agency and the client must create the security guard service contract and then finalize the deal.

Security Guard Service Contract

2. Security Guard Contract For Onsite Security

Most people are not aware of the fact that security guards provide security for a specific location instead of standing anywhere in a premise. There could be multiple examples of on-site security including private events, public gatherings, relocating an item from one place to another, etc.

Security Guard Contract For Onsite Security

3. Sample Security Services Contract for Security Guards

When it comes to hiring security guards, this five-page contract sample gets signed between the two parties. Talk about the contract provision, they are a series of 20 where the last one is highlighted while the other section is in bold.

It could be said that the importance is given to this section that must not be overlooked.

Sample Security Services Contract for Security Guards

4. Sample Security Service Agreement Contract

This kind of security service contract must be signed between the client and the security contractor and must include details like the address of both the parties. The contract should contain a Security service agreement, Disclaimer of the Liability insurance, Payment agreement, Indemnification, the validity of the contract and service termination letter template, etc.

Sample Security Service Agreement Contract

5. Sample Security Service Arrangement Contract

This kind of security guard contract comes with 9 pages wherein the main sections include the performance of services, terms and termination of the contract, limitation of liability, payment, etc.

If your requirements are like this, you can choose any of the security guard contract templates that match your needs.

Sample Security Service Arrangement Contract

How to Create a Security Contract

Step 1: Title Page

You need to open a new doc in Word to create a security guard contract. Then, you must include the company name, the name of the contract, and other necessary details.

Step 2: Don’t Forget to Mention the Name of the Parties**

You then need to move on to the next page and write down the name and location of the concerned parties. Also, you can use the “whereas statements” in the recital section.

Step 3: The Secured Party

After completing the formalities, you need to enter the details of the secured party. Make sure you mention all the roles of the parties in bullet points, making them easier to understand.

step 4: Responsibilities of the Debtor

After that, you need to mention the responsibilities of the debtor. The respective documents of collateral properties should be handed over to the other party until the payment is fulfilled.

Step 5: The Collateral

Make sure you mention the condition and other necessary details of the collateral.

Step 6: Method of Payment

Another important thing you need to clear is the different modes of payments. It could be in any form, cash, bank transfer, or cheque.

Step 7: Legal Fees and Charges

In case of any legal troubles, you must mention that the winning party must be reimbursed.

Step 8: Reporting software

Make sure you mention the reporting software.

Step 9: Signature of Both Parties

When a signature is made on the official documents, it becomes proof that the contract has been acknowledged by both parties involved. In case of a dispute in the future, this contract can be used as official evidence.

Why You Need a Security Guard Contract

A security guard contract is essential for several reasons:

  1. Clarity: It clearly defines the duties and responsibilities of the security guard.
  2. Legal Protection: It protects both parties in case of disputes.
  3. Professionalism: It sets a professional tone and expectations for the job.

Pro Tip: Consider consulting with a legal professional to ensure your security guard contract is comprehensive and legally sound.

Who needs a security guard contract template?

  1. Security Companies

Security companies often hire multiple guards and need a standardized contract template to streamline the hiring process and ensure consistency. A free security guard template can save security companies time and effort. They can focus on things that matter the most and not worry about contracts. 

  1. Event Organizers

Event organizers who hire temporary security staff for specific events can benefit from having a clear and concise contract to outline expectations and responsibilities.

  1. Corporate Offices

Businesses and corporate offices that require ongoing security services need contracts to define long-term arrangements and ensure compliance with security standards.

  1. Residential Communities

Homeowners’ associations and residential communities hiring security guards for neighborhood safety can use contracts to set terms and protect both parties legally.

  1. Construction Sites

Construction site managers hiring security personnel to safeguard equipment and materials can use contracts to specify duties and protect against liabilities. A simple security guard contract is enough for construction sites that require security guards at night. 

Final Thoughts

So, that’s a wrap-up to the 5 best security guard contract samples and the things that should be included to create a security contract!

Irrespective of the security service contract/agreement, make sure that the terms and condition of the memorandum of agreement must be there along with the date and time and validity of the agreement. Though security guards’ duties may vary from one establishment to another, choosing the right agreement may help!

Make sure that the contract must include all the various rules and regulations.

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